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Hungry Frog French Language Games
and French Education Software

Now available for download Hungryfrog Software for Windows Version 6.0

Hungryfrog French Software Program v6.0

Grades 4-12 - customizable to any ability level, fun for all ages!

What's new in Hungry Frog Software for Windows v6.0? Well, simply put, we made learning French vocabulary in school or homeschool with Hungryfrog Software just a whole lot better! Hungryfrog French Vocabulary v6.0 adds tons of new features to the previous Hungryfrog French software. New features and program flow make managing your French lessons for teaching and learning French vocabulary a whole lot easier. While the new software is even more powerful than before when it comes to handling large numbers of students in a computer lab or French classroom setting, it's also even easier to teach French just to yourself using the software on a home computer or in a small homeschool French program teaching environment. So, whether you are studying French and teaching just yourself, teaching French to homeschool students in a homeschool French course, or using the software to teach French to a class of eager French students, this fun French software is equally at home in any homeschool environment as in the computer lab at a networked school classroom under a site license.

Hungry Frog French Software adapts to any school or homeschool French program. The Hungry Frog French software is so easy to adjust to any level of curriculum or French lesson plan, that it makes it equally easy to learn French vocabulary if you are just starting out in 4th grade with a few starting French words, or if you are in high school and need to keep yourself on your toes with knowledge of thousands of French words and French phrases to match your high school textbook's French lessons. You can create any French phrases you want to teach French grammer as well as the standard features of French vocabulary and French word forms. You will also hear an expert pronounce the French vocabulary of the program aloud to help you learn French pronunciation yourself and to help you learn the French pronunciation to speak it properly as you read French literature aloud or speak it for practice.


Frogs teach French!
Teach French Language with Hungry Frog French Game

New v6.0 Hungryfrog educational software online program games for Windows Vista is now available as a free download teaching Math, Chemistry and French Spanish German Italian and Latin and Homeric Greek. Manuals on-line for v6.0 German Language Games and Latin Language Games and Spanish Language Games.